We are British Dalmatian Welfare.
Our aim is to help, support, advise and assist the rehoming of Dalmatians whatever their background or breeding.
As the UK’s leading registered Dalmatian Welfare charity, we rely on the kind donations of our friends, benefactors and volunteers with generous support from our team of welfare advisors. We are extremely grateful for the generosity of our nationwide network of experienced British Dalmatian Welfare friends who share great knowledge, care and understanding.
If you need our help, we are here.
Dalmatians are the most incredible dogs with their own unique personality traits and behaviour. Known for their outstanding beauty and attractive markings, their kind, boundless enthusiasm unfortunately often renders them unsuited to many new owners. Consequently we have a constant stream of Dalmatians seeking new forever homes. If you think you could make a difference to a Dalmatian’s life, you can learn more here:
Sometimes owning a Dalmatian may simply not suit your circumstances, so if the time has come for you to consider rehoming your Dalmatian, contact us here for some useful caring advice.
Sadly we are seeing an increase in homes required for Dalmatians, If you think you would like to offer a permanent home to a Dalmatian, contact us here and let’s discuss your options.
Sometimes unfortunate urgent predicaments dictate that owners may no longer be able to care and look after their Dalmatian. Temporary foster care may be an option to consider.
British Dalmatian Welfare is a registered charity first established in 2001. We have a nationwide network of volunteer helpers who cover the whole of the United Kingdom for the sole purpose of supporting Dalmatians in need. Our ethos has never changed:
“To relieve the sufferings of dogs of the Dalmatian breed in need of care and attention, and in particular, to provide and maintain rescue homes or other facilities for reception, care and treatment of such animals to advance the education of the general public in all matters pertaining to the care and protection of Dalmatians.”
Annual veterinary care costs
Dalmatians rehomed since 2001
Nationwide team of volunteers
The work of British Dalmatian Welfare is a relentless and never ending service. We are fortunate to have a team of dedicated volunteers who help provide a safe solution for the rehoming of Dalmatians. As part of this commitment to the welfare of the Dalmatian, we are regularly faced with costly veterinary expenses that require funds to pay for our essential work.
Any financial contribution will help secure the support we provide for needy Dalmatians. You can pledge your support here:
We offer a comprehensive range of services encompassing the essential needs of Dalmatian dogs and their owners. These include:
We help find temporary and forever homes for Dalmatians when the owner can no longer care for their dog.
We can help offer general advice about the suitability of a dog for your family and lifestyle.
We can help advise on typical behavioural issues and best solutions for your Dalmatian.
We can help advise on typical known health issues and nutritional requirements for your Dalmatian.
British Dalmatian Welfare
Registered Charity 1086519
British Dalmatian Welfare is the leading charity in the United Kingdom for safeguarding and rehoming Dalmatian dogs. As a charity, we are very much dependent on the goodwill of our volunteers, helpers and generosity of our kind benefactors. As a voluntary organisation all our funds are used for the benefit of the dogs.
You can make a direct bank transfer payment using these details:
Account Name: British Dalmatian Welfare
Bank Account: 51526170
Sort Code: 40-19-23
Reference: Your name
Your kind donation will certainly help make a difference.
Thank you
Correspondence Address:
The Hon Secretary
British Dalmatian Welfare
Farm Cottage
B80 7AH
Registered Charity 1086519