British Dalmatian Welfare is the leading Dalmatian rehoming charity in the United Kingdom. It was established to support the Dalmatian and educate the public about this beautiful, often misunderstood breed. We offer help and support to owners and ultimately will find a new homes for Dalmatians in need. As a national charity, we have a infrastructure of regional trustees with a nationwide network of volunteer helpers who are on hand to help you.
To get a faster response to your enquiry your first point of contact should be via our dedicated phone lines.
For information about adopting a Dalmatian from us call 07976 360468
If you want to find a new home for your Dalmatian or you would like help or advice please call 07905 495084.
These phones are available 24 hours a day and we ask that you leave a message on the answerphone and one of our volunteers will get back to you at the next available opportunity.
Please be aware we will need to do extensive assessments about dogs and potential adopters over the telephone we are unable to do this by email.
To help us deal with your email enquiry promptly, lease help us out by letting us know as much information as possible about your circumstances etc. or write to us at:
British Dalmatian Welfare
The Hon Secretary
Farm Cottage
British Dalmatian Welfare
Registered Charity 1086519
British Dalmatian Welfare is the leading charity in the United Kingdom for safeguarding and rehoming Dalmatian dogs. As a charity, we are very much dependent on the goodwill of our volunteers, helpers and generosity of our kind benefactors. As a voluntary organisation all our funds are used for the benefit of the dogs.
You can make a direct bank transfer payment using these details:
Account Name: British Dalmatian Welfare
Bank Account: 51526170
Sort Code: 40-19-23
Reference: Your name
Your kind donation will certainly help make a difference.
Thank you
Correspondence Address:
The Hon Secretary
British Dalmatian Welfare
Farm Cottage
B80 7AH
Registered Charity 1086519