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07976 360468

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Caring matters...

Life with a Dalmatian...

Living with a Dalmatian

Dalmatians are beautiful, intelligent dogs with either black or liver spots. They are normally a robust, healthy breed and many live for 12 to 15 years. Their distinctive character and appearance have an instant appeal, but they are a strong powerful dog in both mind and body. Ideal heights of 22-23 inches (females) and 23-24 inches (males) at their shoulders, with typical weights of 25kg plus make them a large dog to handle.

The Dalmatian is an active, energetic, and creative dog that needs a lot of exercise and loves to play. They were bred to run for hours alongside a horse or carriage and have almost endless stamina. Their strength and drive means they tend to pull on the lead without consistent training.

Dalmatians are very people-oriented, they thrive on human companionship and should not be left alone for more than 2-3 hours. They are a loving and loyal companion however will suffer from separation anxiety if left for too long and will destroy your house in a panic. Dalmatians are wonderful family dogs, great with children however young children may find them too boisterous in their play. They are great in multi-pet households and can get along well with cats if introduced appropriately.

This cunning creature who demands (and gets) your love is also an accomplished thief who steals food at every opportunity. Their main hobby is kitchen counter surfing and will take great pleasure in sampling your recently cooked meal left cooling on the side.

This elegant dog who turns heads in the street, is not house proud! It is a good idea to move precious ornaments out of tail wagging reach as one lash from their strong constantly wagging tail and your family heirlooms will be for the dustbin or your cup of tea on the coffee table on the carpet. Their short coat is constantly shedding hairs, with no respect for what you are wearing, and you will find white hairs all over your black trousers! A powerful vacuum is a must!

Dalmatians are not suited to living outside. Their short coat gives little protection from the cold. They are much happier indoors for comfort and for the companionship of their family. They like nothing better than a good walk and then to lie in front of the fire!

Dalmatians can be born deaf in one (unilateral) or both (bilateral) ears. This is usually detected at the age of six weeks by a BAER test. Some Dalmatians may not be tested so their deafness is discovered later. For a unilaterally deaf Dalmatian their life is hardly affected although their recall may not be quite so good as they have no directional hearing. Bilaterally deaf dalmatians can be trained to respond to hand signals rather than the voice but are probably not suited to a home with very young children.

Families and Dalmatians

Dalmatians make great family pets, but like all dogs, if care is taken in choosing a well-bred Dalmatian puppy from parents with sound temperaments, then a gentle, friendly spotty dog can make an excellent companion for even the youngest children.

Sadly, due to poor husbandry and puppy farmers, many Dalmatians do not get this ideal start. New owners do not get the advice needed to train their puppy and to prepare their family and children for the introduction of a new dog. Many Dalmatians arrive in welfare with issues relating to lack of training in their early years. However, many of our Dalmatians of all ages have lived with children and in these cases, we actively seek out families with children to place these dogs.

Adapting to a new family with children

From our extensive experience of re-homing Dalmatians we have found that several things help the introduction and settling in of a Dalmatian to their new family.

New owners and parents should have reasonable expectations initially. The care, exercise and training of a dog is the responsibility of an adult, however involving children in feeding walking and training of a new dog can aid in forming a lifelong bond. It is the responsibility of parents to teach their children how to behave around a dog, remember small children are capable of cruel deeds and a new Dalmatian in a strange environment may react badly. Supervision of children when with a new dog is essential. Everyone wants to meet a Dalmatian particularly children, so we recommend that you do not introduce your adopted dog to too many unfamiliar faces too quickly.

Things to avoid with an adopted Dalmatian

Dalmatians are large active and boisterous dogs. Great care should be taken so that children do not get knocked down by a boisterous happy, waggy-tailed Dalmatian! As part of our adoption assessment process our experienced assessors will discuss the age, size, and sex of a dog they feel would be suitable for you and your family. It maybe that we refuse to re-home a Dalmatian with a family with young children who are not used to Dalmatians. Maybe in a few years’ time a suitable Dalmatian could be re-homed with your family when the children are little more robust. When we have matched your home and needs with one of our Dalmatians, begin to teach your children and their friends not to run up to a new dog.  Explain that children should NEVER tease a dog however familiar the dog is with children, remember an adopted Dalmatian will not be familiar with your children. Never allow a small child to pick up and carry a puppy or young Dalmatian. Never allow a child to walk an adult dog without supervision. An adult Dalmatian can be very strong.

Good practice 

Ensure that all your children’s friends are aware that you will be getting a new dog. It may be wise to talk to them and explain the rules of contact with the dog before they meet. Teach the dog to sit and wait for food, many breeds of dog are very food orientated, and Dalmatians are no exception, nipped fingers from stealing food have led to us re-homing many dogs, remember it is the adult’s responsibility to teach children and dogs to be safe around food.  Ensure that a dog is involved in day-to-day life even after the birth of a new child. (see babies below). Recognise a new dog as part of your family and realise that both children and dog need a lot of input and training alike.

Many of us in Welfare and the British Dalmatian Club have lived with dogs since childhood and we are fully aware of the absolute joys of owning a dog as a child. Teaching your child to care and nurture a living thing and allowing them to take on the responsibility of day-to-day care of a dog is good for their physical and emotional development it will teach them responsibility patience and about love and loss.

New babies

One of the biggest reasons Dalmatians are re-homed is due to the imminent birth of a new baby or a dog not having a good relationship with a new baby. Amongst the congratulations and all the activity, many parents-to-be neglect to prepare the family dog. This can be a mistake. Dogs are social by nature. They are pack animals, and each pack has leaders and followers your dog is part of your family his or her “pack.”  The humans lead, the dog follows. It is that simple. We often anthropomorphise dogs, but they are not human and think, act, and communicate in quite different ways to humans.  It is important that as responsible owners you can communicate with him or her, and you are reading his body language and non-verbal cues. Your Dalmatian will need structure and guidance. This is paramount when a new addition to your pack is about to arrive.

Pre-Baby. Is your Dalmatian a model citizen?

Does your Dalmatian SIT, STAY or go DOWN when you tell him or her? does he or she COME when called? If not, you will need to polish up on your dog’s training before your new bundle of joy arrives. It is a good idea to dress a doll and have the doll in the room maybe in a pram or playpen.  Record friends’ babies crying, screaming and being noisy at play and play it back to your Dalmatian. Maybe enrol your Dalmatian in obedience classes and get to know your dog trainer they can be a great resource. Jumping up is a real problem and can be dangerous for a new baby in arms. Teach a dog to sit when people arrive use treats, Dalmatians think with their stomachs.

Is your dog spayed or neutered? If not, get it done, now. Neutered and spayed dogs make better family companions. Entire Dalmatians are often more possessive and overly protective. They are more likely to growl, snap, and even bite than their neutered/spayed counterparts. Un-neutered males have more of a sense of territory and will actively defend their pack from newcomers. Entire, young males can be bossy, pushy, and wilfully disobedient they will push your boundaries. They can be easily distracted, making training more difficult. Un-spayed bitches go through hormonal changes at every heat cycle, causing them to become erratic and sometimes aggressive. Sexually intact Dalmatians experience sexual frustration; they can become destructive, attempt to escape, become very vocal, they will mount children, as well as adults. (This behaviour should be actively discouraged).

Is your Dalmatian possessive?

Does your Dalmatian guard things? He or She must learn that this is unacceptable behaviour. You can tell the difference between “Pongo’s” toys and new baby toys, but your baby will not be able to. Do not risk small baby’s fingers, toes, or life, train the dog.  You, as his or her pack leader, must be able to take any item out of your dog’s mouth. If he or she bares his or her teeth, growls low or threatens you, call a professional trainer. The association of Pet Dog trainers APDT will be able to help you find a trainer local to you. While most Dalmatians can be retrained, you should not attempt to retrain a Dalmatian exhibiting theses possessive traits without professional advice.

Does your Dalmatian hunt Rabbits and stalk Birds?  

Be honest is your Dalmatian a hunter does he or she have an active prey drive? A newborn baby bears little resemblance to the adult humans your dog will be used to. They sound, smell, and move in odd ways. Dogs with strong predatory drives frequently view infants as something to chase! Do not be lulled into a false sense of security, some pet dogs do not express this drive while the child is very young its only when the baby starts crawling or toddling that this drive kicks in.  The high-pitched noises and unpredictable movements of babies and toddlers can trigger predatory behaviour, even though you may not have witnessed it before. Does your dog chase cars, bicyclists, joggers or hunt small game like squirrels and cats? Has your dog ever caught and/or killed small game? If he or she has, you need to consult a private trainer, preferably before the baby is born, in some cases, the dog may need to be re-homed.

Has your dog ever bitten anyone?

Do not try to rationalise this. Dog bites can be offensive (attack) or defensive (protective from fear). Did the dog’s teeth make skin contact? If the answer to these questions is yes, your Dog has bitten. Has your dog snapped at passers-by or guests? A snap is a warning, or a bite that did not connect (due to your quick reflexes?). A Dalmatian that demonstrates this type of behaviour must be evaluated immediately; involve a professional trainer, now. Again, in certain cases Dalmatians that have bitten may need to be re-homed. Re-homing a Dalmatian or any dog that has a history of biting can be very difficult.

New Baby arrival

Before you bring the baby home, from hospital bring home a blanket or a towel that the baby used or slept on. Do not wash them. Leave them around the home let your Dalmatian sniff them. Let him or her become familiar with the new baby smell. Encourage him or her as he or she curiously investigate the scent. Be positive, heap on the praise – “That is the new baby!!  He is coming home tomorrow. What a good boy / what a good girl!!”

Meeting Baby: The introduction

Mom should greet the Dalmatian without the baby. Give him or her a big hug and loud greeting. Let the dog smell you all over; he or she will pick up the baby’s scent on your clothing. Watch him or her closely. After the initial excited greeting has calmed down have one person hold the baby. Your Dalmatian’s “Pack leader” should have the dog on a lead. Sit the dog and praise him. The dog should close enough to see, but not touch, the baby. Short frequent introductions like this during the first day are recommended. Gradually allow your Dalmatian closer, carefully observing his or her responses. If he or she is under verbal control and calm after several of these “introductions,” try it without the lead. Now it is time to allow the dog to wander loose in the room while the baby is being held, feel free to pet the dog while you hold the baby and do not forget heap on the praise!

Your Dalmatian and your Baby…Life together :

Never, ever leave your baby or indeed a child unsupervised with your dog.

Never, ever leave your baby or indeed a child unsupervised with your dog. No matter how well you think you know your Dalmatian, accidents happen. Some pet dogs’ predatory drives are not apparent, and the sounds, smells and movements of infants and children trigger many dogs. Dogs are often unaware of their own strength and can cause injury out of excitement and happiness. Do not take risks. NEVER leave your child alone with the dog!

Still make time every day to have ‘fun’ with your Dalmatian without the baby present. Play-training sessions, throwing his or her favourite toy, hide and seek on a long walk is good let the other half have the baby for an hour or so! Never play any of the following games: tug of war, wrestling, or games involving chasing people or any other living being. While they may seem innocent to you, these types of games all tell the dog in his language that he is in charge he is dominant. Canine friendships are loyal and true if you realise that dogs cannot understand the concept of equality. In the Dog world there are leaders and followers, YOU must be your dog’s leader.

Take time daily to have fun with the dog with the baby present! Get the pushchair out take some dog treats and toys and get outdoors, your dog will love it, and it is good for you and your new child.

Some of this may sound very worrying particularly for new parents. However, most dalmatians make ideal companions for children even those who are quite small. Their pleasure in human company means they will revel in a child’s attention and of course they will listen without answering back!

There are a couple of excellent books if you would like to do some further reading and the British Dalmatian Club and the North of England Dalmatian Club have more information on introducing a Dalmatian to children and babies.

Good Reading available from Amazon:

‘Your Dog and Your Baby: A Practical Guide’

Silvia Kent and John Fischer 

‘Childproofing Your Dog: A Complete Guide to Preparing Your Dog for the Children in Your Life’

Brian Kilcommons and Sarah Wilson


British Dalmatian Welfare is the leading charity in the United Kingdom for safeguarding and rehoming Dalmatian dogs. As a charity, we are very much dependent on the goodwill of our volunteers, helpers and generosity of our kind benefactors. As a voluntary organisation all our funds are used for the benefit of the dogs.

You can make a direct bank transfer payment using these details:

Account Name: British Dalmatian Welfare

Bank Account: 51526170

Sort Code: 40-19-23

Reference: Your name

Your kind donation will certainly help make a difference.

Thank you

Correspondence Address:

The Hon Secretary
British Dalmatian Welfare
Farm Cottage
B80 7AH

Registered Charity 1086519