To Adopt

07976 360468

To Foster

07976 360468

To Re-Home

07905 495084


Caring matters...

A healthy Dalmatian...

A healthy Dally is a happy Dally!

Dalmatians are a robust and energetic breed, originally bred to run alongside a coach and horses – they are lively, outgoing, and athletic. Thankfully, breeders of Dalmatians have not caused exaggerations seen in some breeds and a Dalmatians structure has remained unchanged over the centuries. Dalmatians can run and jump, breath normally and deal with heat and can generally give birth without the help of caesarean section.

However, we should not be complacent, Dalmatians like many breeds of pedigree dogs do suffer from hereditary health problems. The most common of these are hereditary deafness, High Uric Acid metabolism (H.U.A) and Epilepsy.

Urinary stones and Diet

Urinary stones can take many forms, but the type most relevant to Dalmatian health & welfare is uric acid (or ‘Urate’) stones. All Dalmatians carry a genetic mutation, which prevents them from processing uric acid, a bi-product from all kinds of foods, instead it is excreted in urine. Although Dalmatians excrete higher concentrations of uric acid, only a minor proportion develops stone problems. Uric acid is not very soluble and there is a risk that it can deposit in the bladder and sometimes the kidney. Initially, the deposits resemble fine sand but can subsequently progress to coarser grit and eventually to a stone. The presence of uric acid crystals, whether large or small, can cause irritation to the bladder and urinary tract, giving rise to infection. Urinary stones, which pass into the urinary tract, can cause blockage which is profoundly serious and requires immediate veterinary attention. Dogs seem to be at higher risk than bitches to urinary stones, believed to reflect the anatomical differences in their urinary tracts.

How common are Urate stones in Dalmatians?

It is exceedingly difficult to be precise. The only available UK data is from the KC/BSAVA Health Survey for Dalmatians. The epidemiologist who analysed the data advised that the incidence is somewhere within a ‘best case’ scenario of 1.1%, a ‘worst case’ of 3.5%, and a reasoned ‘middle-of-the-road’ value of 1.8%. These figures are indicative hence some caution is required. They were based upon a sample of 452 live dogs and 199 deaths (none of the latter of which were attributed to urinary stones).

What can be done to reduce the risk of Urinary Stones?

It is important that a dog is given frequent opportunity to urinate, since this causes any sediment to be ‘flushed out’ before it can progress to a stone. Ready availability of fresh water for any dog is an essential, but it is advantageous to encourage water intake to increase the frequency of urination and to dilute any uric acid in the urinary system. Frequent replacement of water arouses curiosity from a dog, and a desire to drink. If you feed a ‘dry’ diet, put some water on it. There is no need to allow it to soak and the dog will take in the water as it eats. There is a proprietary breed-specific diet available from normal retail outlets, which is low in ‘purines’ (the principal food source of uric acid). Some owners have formulated their own diets, which are also low Purine. Further information is available if required.

What are the signs of Urinary stone formation?

Any urinary infection or apparent discomfort on urination should be regarded with caution, and veterinary advice sought. If a dog is exhibiting clear pain, especially with a lack of urination, and possibly arching of the back, urgent veterinary attention is essential. A dog experiencing pain for any reason should always be referred immediately to a vet.

What treatments are available for Dalmatians with Urinary stones?

Uric acid crystals or stones can sometimes be dissolved using prescription diets or medication, or more commonly a combination of both. In extreme cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.


Safe feeding for the Dalmatian

Despite their gregarious nature and infectious enthusiasm, we do recommend keeping a close eye on the food you feed your Dalmatian with particular attention to a low Purine content. Purine is a type of protein found in certain red meats, some poultry, game, offal, and yeast products all these foods contain exceedingly high of levels of Purine. These purines can cause problems for some Dalmatians so are best avoided. There are complete low purine foods available without prescription. Royal Canin make a food specifically for Dalmatians it is based on egg protein and is exceptionally low in Purines. Other prepared foods available are on prescription only, made by Hills and Royal Canin and are generally only used once a stone forming Dalmatian has been diagnosed and treated by a Vet.

For most Dalmatians that have not been diagnosed as stone forming there are cheaper alternatives and anecdotally, we have had success with lower protein diets such as Chappie, James Wellbeloved (Chicken or Fish) and Pets at home own brand Wainwrights. They do not contain additives and colourings which may make a dalmatian hyperactive. This applies to dog treats as well see below.

We have a list of foods and their purine content. This indicates which foods are safe to feed a Dalmatian, and which should be avoided. We can provide details of diets specially formulated from these lists that have been successfully fed to stone forming Dalmatians and kept them free of the recurrence of stones and are cheap to feed although they do require work and, freezer space. 

Dalmatians should always have fresh clean water to drink and have access to outdoors so that they can regularly urinate.

Please get in touch or contact our central coordinator if you would like more information.

Diet, behaviour and snacks and treats

Many pre-made dog snacks and treats are made from offal and cheap cuts of meats that contain the highest amounts of Purines. We have seen behavioural problems and hyperactivity reduced by changing a dog’s diet to a lower purine food free from bright colours. The simpler the food the better it suits Dalmatians. Highly coloured dog treats filled with colouring and additives should be avoided, dogs do not see in colour, so these are purely aimed at attracting humans rather than your dog. Apple, Carrot, Hard Cheese (Cheddar) and hard-boiled eggs make great low Purine treats and are great for titbits while training your Dalmatian. There are many recipes for making your own purine free dog treats available online.


British Dalmatian Welfare is the leading charity in the United Kingdom for safeguarding and rehoming Dalmatian dogs. As a charity, we are very much dependent on the goodwill of our volunteers, helpers and generosity of our kind benefactors. As a voluntary organisation all our funds are used for the benefit of the dogs.

You can make a direct bank transfer payment using these details:

Account Name: British Dalmatian Welfare

Bank Account: 51526170

Sort Code: 40-19-23

Reference: Your name

Your kind donation will certainly help make a difference.

Thank you

Correspondence Address:

The Hon Secretary
British Dalmatian Welfare
Farm Cottage
B80 7AH

Registered Charity 1086519