To Adopt

07976 360468

To Foster

07976 360468

To Re-Home

07905 495084


Caring matters...

Fostering Service

Can you offer a foster home for a Dalmatian?

We often have Dalmatians who will need temporary foster care. These are often Dalmatians who’s living conditions have suddenly taken a dramatic change and require emergency care such as owners who have suddenly died or friends or neighbours who have inherited a dog from their original family and know very little about them. If we don’t have a clear picture of a dog or if we are unsure of his or her history then we will try and place these dogs in Foster care in order to get a better picture of the dogs true nature and behaviour.

We have a network of foster carers across the UK, but each year we often loose our fosterers as they succumb to the delights of their fostered Dalmatians and decide to become adopters themselves.

Do you think you could become one of our Fosterers? Many of our team regularly foster Dalmatians and despite it being heartbreaking to let each one go, we know that there will be another dog needing our help just around the corner.  If you already own a Dalmatian and they are good with other dogs, we can still Foster a dog with you. We do ask that you undergo an assessment to check suitability to ensure we offer you an appropriate dog for Fostering. If you decide to adopt your foster dog, all the checks have already been done!

If you feel that you could help us and you would like to know more about fostering for British Dalmatian Welfare, please contact us and we will be in touch.

Fostering advice:

If you feel you would be interested in fostering a Dalmatian, we would welcome your enquiry. Please call us to discuss your circumstances so that we can get a better understanding of your situation.

Contact us

You can contact our central fostering coordinator here:

fostering roundal

Fostering enquiry:

The Fostering process

We value your support in offering your home to foster a Dalmatian in need. Our fostering process is quite straightforward and typically follows this path:

1. Enquire

Make your initial enquiry and call our fostering number. Please leave a message on the answerphone.

2. Call back

Our fostering coordinator will call you back at the next available opportunity and discuss your opportunities.

3. Apply

Complete the application form and we will arrange an assessors visit

3. Assess

Our fostering assessor will visit you to discuss your options and opportunities.

4. Action

Using the supplied information, we will be in touch when a dog becomes available seeking foster care.


British Dalmatian Welfare is the leading charity in the United Kingdom for safeguarding and rehoming Dalmatian dogs. As a charity, we are very much dependent on the goodwill of our volunteers, helpers and generosity of our kind benefactors. As a voluntary organisation all our funds are used for the benefit of the dogs.

You can make a direct bank transfer payment using these details:

Account Name: British Dalmatian Welfare

Bank Account: 51526170

Sort Code: 40-19-23

Reference: Your name

Your kind donation will certainly help make a difference.

Thank you

Correspondence Address:

The Hon Secretary
British Dalmatian Welfare
Farm Cottage
B80 7AH

Registered Charity 1086519