We recognise that sometimes your circumstances may change which will have a profound impact on your ability to for care for your dog. If you find yourself needing to find a new home for your Dalmatian, you can reach out to our rehoming team to discuss your circumstances, and see how we can help.
Your first point of reference will be to our central coordinator who will be able to discuss your situation in confidence. With a sympathetic and understanding ear, they will take some relevant details and ask you to complete our referral form to arrange for one of our experienced rehoming advisors to visit. They will assess your Dalmatian for rehoming, collecting additional information and observations to help find the most appropriate and suitable new home for your dog.
As a charity, we are reliant on volunteers, we are not centrally located or have kennels, so we ask you to keep your dog until we are able to match your dog to the right home. Sometimes we can find a new home for your Dalmatian very quickly, sometimes it can take a little longer. If your dog hasn’t lived with children and is not good with other dogs, then these issues can slow down the adoption process. Most of our adopters are families looking for a well behaved friendly Dalmatian. We never guarantee that we can rehome your dog.
The time it takes to rehome a dog depends on the dog and the vetted adopter families we have waiting to have a dog from us. It is less stressful for the dog if it is re-homed in one day from its current home to its new home. Your dog will get the best home for based partly on the information you supply to us so we ask that you be as honest as possible. We do not offer your dog to the next family ‘on the list’ – we do a very careful matching process to make sure your dog gets the right home for their needs.
Given the sensitive nature of your enquiry, we always find it is better to give us a call where we can discuss your needs and get a better understanding of your circumstances.
We have a straightforward rehoming process that relies on the goodwill of our volunteer assessors, suitability of the dogs and the suitability of new homes.
Make your initial enquiry and call our rehoming number. Please leave a message on the answerphone.
Our rehoming coordinator will call you back at the next available opportunity and discuss your concerns.
Complete the application form and we will arrange an assessors visit
Our rehoming assessor will visit you to discuss your needs, see the dog and make observations.
Using the supplied information, we will cross reference dogs to new homes. We will then try to find a suitable new home for your dog.
British Dalmatian Welfare
Registered Charity 1086519
British Dalmatian Welfare is the leading charity in the United Kingdom for safeguarding and rehoming Dalmatian dogs. As a charity, we are very much dependent on the goodwill of our volunteers, helpers and generosity of our kind benefactors. As a voluntary organisation all our funds are used for the benefit of the dogs.
You can make a direct bank transfer payment using these details:
Account Name: British Dalmatian Welfare
Bank Account: 51526170
Sort Code: 40-19-23
Reference: Your name
Your kind donation will certainly help make a difference.
Thank you
Correspondence Address:
The Hon Secretary
British Dalmatian Welfare
Farm Cottage
B80 7AH
Registered Charity 1086519