To Adopt

07976 360468

To Foster

07976 360468

To Re-Home

07905 495084


Caring matters...

Support our work

Help us to help Dalmatians in need.

British Dalmatian Welfare is a registered charity entirely funded by the generous gifts of Dalmatian loving individuals. We do not have an office or any employed staff, all the officers and team of assessors are volunteers where their time is donated freely. The coordination of the whole charity is done from our own homes.

We incur many costs for the running of our charity,  the common ones are vets’ bills, kennelling costs, and the telephone. Although we have a policy of refraining from placing dogs into kennels, on occasion we have no choice (sometimes we are told to collect the Dalmatian immediately, and a suitable home may not be available within the few small hours we have) Some of the Dalmatians have ongoing medical issues – we meet these costs in order to secure the perfect home for that dog. British Dalmatian Welfare also contributes towards any costs for spaying/neutering to safeguard against future breeding. If a Dalmatian has been neglected in any way,  we incur the vets’ bills to rehabilitate the dog and prepare it for rehoming as a healthy and happy dog.

Sometimes we pay for retraining or behaviourists, whatever it takes to ensure that the Dalmatian is a happy and balanced dog who can settle into his/her new forever home with ease.

When Dalmatians are matched with new homes, sometimes they can be many counties away from each other and our volunteers tirelessly transport dogs across the country – giving their time freely and only being reimbursed for fuel costs.

British Dalmatian Welfare has never received any direct financial support from the government, we rely solely on our fundraising efforts, the fundraising efforts of the public and donations.

As an individual there are many ways you can give to help the Dalmatian.

Every contribution, no matter how big or small, will go towards helping needy Dalmatians. Every penny is spent solely on the Dalmatians, no wages or office costs are ever incurred. Every penny is ALWAYS greatly received.

Thank you for your support.


Gift Aid helps us to make the very most of the donations we receive. For every £1 donated under the scheme, we can reclaim an extra 25p from the Inland Revenue – at no extra cost to the donor, but to the great benefit of the animals that rely on our life-saving work.

As a result of changes to the Gift Aid scheme in March 2000, charities can now reclaim the tax on any donations made after 6 April 2000. All you need to do is to complete a Gift Aid declaration, confirming you are a UK taxpayer and want the charity to reclaim the tax. You do not need to sign a new declaration for each donation – it remains effective until you cease to pay tax in the UK.

Please download our Gift Aid form and send it with your cheque or a note to tell us about your standing order to our Treasurer:

Mrs D Elliott, BDW Treasurer Wishford 39A Grange Road Egham Surrey TW20 9QP

Gift Aid Form

You can download the Gift Aid form here:

Help support our work...

The work of British Dalmatian Welfare is a relentless and never-ending service. We are fortunate to have a team of resolute volunteers who help provide a safe solution for the rehoming of Dalmatians. As part of this commitment to the welfare of the Dalmatian, we are regularly faced with costly veterinary expenses that require funds to pay for our essential work.

Any financial contribution will help secure the support we provide for needy Dalmatians. You can pledge your support here:

Become a Friend

Our work is never ending and relentless and welcome all expressions of interest for support. One of our initiatives is Friend of British Dalmatian Welfare. This is a simple supporter’s membership in return for a £5.00 annual fee which will go towards funding our work you will receive a regular newsletter. You can choose to get involved in our day-to-day work – many of our friends go on to volunteer to check homes and assess dogs. Many of our friends also help us transport dogs and attend fund raising events across the country.

If you would like to become a Friend of British Dalmatian Welfare, please download our application form and return to our Friends Coordinator, it can be emailed to and payment made by BACS to: 

British Dalmatian Welfare – sort code 40-19-23 Account number 51526170 

or complete the form and post it along with payment of membership fee to our Friends coordinator:

Marion Wildey 22 Columba Drive Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 3YN.

We do not share your contact details with any other organisation.

Friend of British Dalmatian Welfare

We welcome your support and interest in becoming friend of British Dalmatian Welfare. You can download our application form here.

Please click and hold to download.

Friends enquiry:


There are several ways you can leave a gift in your Will to the British Dalmatian Welfare:


A residuary legacy is a gift of the residue of your estate, or a percentage of the residue (the amount left after your debts have been settled and any legacies you leave to other people have been paid). If you leave your whole estate as a gift, this is also known as a residuary legacy. The value of such a gift is least likely to be cut by inflation.


A gift of a specified sum of money, decided when the will or codicil is written, is called a pecuniary legacy.


f you make a gift of a particular item this is called a specific legacy. This includes stocks and shares, the proceeds of a life assurance policy, property, furniture, and jewellery.

If you wish to leave something to our charity in your Will and require further information, please contact the Welfare Rehoming telephone number leave a message and your contact details or write to us via the contact form and someone will get back to you.

Give a car!

Are you thinking of buying a new car? Are you planning to scrap your old one? If you are you are now able to donate the money to the charity of your choice, so exchange your old car and help Dalmatians in need. Please see the link to their website about how to do it. Link to GIVE A CAR website.

Photo Credits

Thank you to all those who have contributed these amazing photos of Dalmatians with your permissions to help support and illustrate the charitable cause of British Dalmatian Welfare. Please note some of the images of the dogs shown may not necessarily be  associated with British Dalmatian Welfare but are used as models to help illustrate our cause. Thank you to Pexels as the principle photo source.


British Dalmatian Welfare is the leading charity in the United Kingdom for safeguarding and rehoming Dalmatian dogs. As a charity, we are very much dependent on the goodwill of our volunteers, helpers and generosity of our kind benefactors. As a voluntary organisation all our funds are used for the benefit of the dogs.

You can make a direct bank transfer payment using these details:

Account Name: British Dalmatian Welfare

Bank Account: 51526170

Sort Code: 40-19-23

Reference: Your name

Your kind donation will certainly help make a difference.

Thank you

Correspondence Address:

The Hon Secretary
British Dalmatian Welfare
Farm Cottage
B80 7AH

Registered Charity 1086519