To Adopt

07976 360468

To Foster

07976 360468

To Re-Home

07905 495084


Caring matters...

Adoption Service

Can you offer a new home for a Dalmatian?

We welcome your enquiry to offer a new home to a Dalmatian, however we recommend that you take the time to carefully consider the challenges in owning a Dalmatian – particularly if you haven’t previously owned one before. Dalmatians are incredibly attractive dogs with striking good looks, but sadly much misunderstood because of their good nature, boundless energy and enthusiasm. Dalmatians are not ‘spotty Labradors’ and as a breed, they may not be entirely suitable for you and your families circumstances. 

British Dalmatian Welfare is the leading UK charity set up to help rehome these incredible dogs. Run by volunteer helpers, we are passionate about providing suitable loving homes offering a second chance for our less fortunate dogs. If you feel that you can offer a loving home to a Dalmatian, please complete the application form and return to the Adoption Coordinator. They will review your application and follow up with a phone call and plans for a site visit where they will explain the process of adoption and assessment. The Adoption Coordinator will arrange for one of our regional volunteer assessors who may live locally to you to visit you at home. We rely on the goodwill of our experienced volunteers who often have full time jobs,  so it may take a few days to arrange a visit.

To avoid anxiety and stress for the current owners and their dog, their pet in most cases, will remain in their home with them. For the dog’s family, it may very difficult to rehome their very much loved family pet after having them for several years. Therefore, it will not be possible for you to meet a dog before you have it. The dog could also be living hundreds of miles away from you so it might not be practical either. That’s why we will ask lots of questions about you and your family before you adopt a dog from us and likewise we do the same with all the dogs we vet before we rehome. The ‘matching process’ of ‘dog to family’ is therefore vital and the rehoming coordinator will offer you the dog that fits your circumstances but more importantly, the dog’s needs will be paramount. We do not offer you the ‘next dog on the waiting list’ because dogs come from many different backgrounds and families – our aim is to have a successful rehoming of a dog that suits it and your family.

If you do not feel you could take a dog from us that you do not meet before you agree to have it, then we suggest you visit one of the many dedicated pet rehoming centres found around the country.

Be prepared for a wait whilst we find the right dog for your needs – you may be lucky as we might already have a suitable dog for your needs and lifestyle. All dogs are assessed by our volunteers, many of whom are experienced Dalmatian owners so are well versed at identifying typical and non-typical behaviours. Most dogs come from really lovely homes where they have been well socialised and looked after, but sadly due to no fault of their own due to relationship breakdown, loss of the family home, change of work patterns, illness or owners death –  they now need to be rehomed.

Apply to adopt a dog

We welcome your enquiry about adopting a Dalmatian, but we always find it is better for you to complete the application form first and our Adoption Coordinator will be in touch when they can discuss your needs and get a better understanding of your circumstances. You can  download a printed form to complete and return:


Download this form to print off, complete and return by post or return email.


You can easily apply online by completing our simple application form here:


The adoption process

We have a straightforward adoption process that relies on the goodwill of our volunteer assessors, suitability of the dogs and the suitability of new homes.

1. Enquire

If you are interested in adopting one of our Dalmatians, can we ask that you complete our application form and return to the adoption co-ordinator.

2. Review

On receipt of your application form, our adoption co-ordinator will review your details and process your enquiry.

3. Contact

After carefully reviewing your application, the adoption co-ordinator will phone you at the next available opportunity to discuss your enquiry.

4. Assess

Our local volunteer adoption co-ordinator will arrange to visit you at a mutual time to discuss your options and explain the process in detail.

5. Action

Using the gathered information, we will cross reference your enquiry with a match to a suitable dog. We will  then try to find a appropriate dog for your needs.

Adoption costs:

A small price to pay for love!

There is no dispute that a Dalmatian will offer a lifetime of loyalty and love, but sadly, for whatever reason, the Dalmatians that come into our care seek a second chance of a loving home. The rehoming service we offer is nationwide and manned by a dedicated team of volunteers but we are reliant on essential funds to help manage this facility. British Dalmatian Welfare therefore ask for a small donation to our charity to help maintain our service. We typically charge £250 for an adult Dalmatian but we may ask more for puppies under six months of age. We may waive any fee for older dogs, this is to reflect the fact there may be higher insurance and/or medical costs associated with owning an older dog. We always recommend that adopters get their dogs insured. We can support dogs with existing chronic medical conditions, but like any pet owner, we expect that food, vaccinations, worming and new conditions will be paid for by any dogs adopter.

We ask that vet fees for existing conditions are discussed between our rehoming coordinators and your vet. We often find significant savings can be made by adopters paying for prescriptions and then purchasing specialist diets, drugs and treatments on-line.

Can you afford a dog?

When thinking about adopting a Dalmatian or indeed any breed of dog, you need to consider the following: 

  • A Dalmatian will require a specialist diet of good quality food low in Purines.
  • Insurance to cover illness or injury.
  • Additional costs such as kenneling/dog sitters if you go on holiday
  • Accessories such as collars, leads, toys, treats, bedding etc. 

If you take on a young dog, these costs could be for twelve-fourteen years or more. Realistically, can you and your family afford the costs involved with owning a Dalmatian?

Still interested in offering a new home for one of our Dalmatians?

We have a constant influx of Dalmatians  seeking forever homes and your enquiry is most important to us. If you are seriously interested in offering a home, please complete our application form so that we can identify the most appropriate and suitable dog for your needs.

Contact us

You can contact our central adoption coordinator here:


British Dalmatian Welfare is the leading charity in the United Kingdom for safeguarding and rehoming Dalmatian dogs. As a charity, we are very much dependent on the goodwill of our volunteers, helpers and generosity of our kind benefactors. As a voluntary organisation all our funds are used for the benefit of the dogs.

You can make a direct bank transfer payment using these details:

Account Name: British Dalmatian Welfare

Bank Account: 51526170

Sort Code: 40-19-23

Reference: Your name

Your kind donation will certainly help make a difference.

Thank you

Correspondence Address:

The Hon Secretary
British Dalmatian Welfare
Farm Cottage
B80 7AH

Registered Charity 1086519